Forthcoming Books

"'Am I Not a Man and a Brother?' Scripture and Slavery—Ancient and Modern" in Truth: Lectures from Defend the Faith Conference 2025, ed. Tawa Anderson.
DeWard Publishing, 2025.

What Is Hell? A Multidisciplinary Dialogue.
by Paul Copan and Christopher M. Date, eds., Downers Grove, IL: IVP Academic
Authored Books

Is God a Vindictive Bully?
by Paul Copan. Baker Academic, October 2022., Audio Interview with Frank Turek
Winner of CT 2023, Book of Merit
Review: "Many Christians struggle to understand how a loving God could command some of the things he commands, and this book is the best single volume on the subject. Its scope is amazing. Most of us are familiar with what Copan calls “critics from without,” namely those, like Richard Dawkins, who argue that the God revealed in the Old Testament is evil. Copan forcefully answers their charges. But the real challenge today comes from “critics from within,” those who want to “unhitch” the Old Testament from the New, or worse, who wonder if the God of the Old Testament is different from the God of the New. Copan addresses questions about polygamy, “divine smitings,” foreign slaves, the Canaanite conquest, and much, much more. His work is well argued, discerning, and refreshing."
— Clay Jones, chairman of the board of Ratio Christi

Is God a Moral Monster?: Making Sense of the Old Testament God
Grand Rapids: Baker, 2011.
Moral Monster, Scripture Index, kindly created by Peter J. Vorster Sr.
Interviews: Justin Brierley of "Unbelievable?" | Evangelical Philosophical Society and Christian Post
Edited Books
Contributions to Edited Books
Book Chapters
Books In Other Languages

Is God A Moral Monster? Making Sense Of The Old Testament God.
Portuguese translation October 2011

Will The Real Jesus Please Stand Up?" A Debate Between William Lane Craig And John Dominic Crossan
Korean translation 2010

Will The Real Jesus Please Stand Up?" A Debate Between William Lane Craig And John Dominic Crossan
Spanish translation July 2005

That's Just Your Interpretation: Responding To Skeptics Who Challenge Your Faith
Russian translation completed 2003