- "Some Preliminaries on Conscience, Morality, and the State." In Conscience and Human Rights, eds. Angus Menuge and Barry Bussey. Supreme Court Law Review, Second Series, vol. 113, Supreme Court of Canada; Ottawa, ON (2023): 9-35.
- "Violence in the Bible: Part 1" NAMB Apologetics (September 2023)
- "Violence in the Bible, Part 2," NAMB Apologetics (October 2023) Link
- Guest Posts: "Question of the Week" Parts 1 and 2, on foreign servants in Israel and on the Midianite women in Numbers 31, (October 2023) at William Craig's
- Question of the Week #857: "Servitude in Israel (Pt. I)"
- Question of the Week #858: "Warfare in Ancient Israel (Pt. II)"
- “Interpreting the Law of Moses: Relative, Normative, or Something In-Between? A Review of The Lost World of the Torah, by John H. Walton and J. Harvey Walton” (Christian Research Journal, December 2, 2019) Link
- After Twenty Years: Personal Reflections my involvement with the Evangelical Philosophical Society and the 20th anniversary edition of its journal Philosophia Christi.
Posted with permission from Philosophia Christi. PDF
- Armenian translation of the article Who Made God. PDF
- Armenian translation of the article Relative Absolute. PDF
- How Universalism, 'the Opiate of the Theologians,' Went Mainstream, Michael McClymond decries the rising popularity of an idea Christians have rejected for most of church history. Interview by Paul Copan, March 11, 2019 Link
- Deconversion: Why People Leave the Faith and (Re)turn to It. European Leadership Forum, Wisla, Poland, May 2018 Link
- A review of Greg Boyd's "Crucifixion of the Warrior God" Link
- "The Rest of Genesis" This is from the Appendix of Origins: The Ancient Impact & Modern Implications of Genesis 1–11, c m coauthored by me and Douglas Jacoby (Morgan James, 2018). Link
- "Learn How (Not) To Doubt," The Gospel Coalition (April 17, 2017) Link
- Quoted in the Daily Beast: "Is There a Christian Double Standard on Religious Violence?" Link
- "Just War in an Age of Terror? Issues and Options in Theological Ethics" Philosophia Christi 16/1 (2016): 101-109. Posted with permission from Philosophia Christi PDF
- "'Prove-me que Deus existe': Esclarecendo o ateísmo, o agnosticismo e outros assuntos" Link
Original article: Paul Copan, "Prove to me that God Exists: Getting Clear on Atheism, Agnosticism, and a Few Others Matters" Published by Houston Baptist University. Posted with permission. Portuguese translation by Reginaldo Castro.
- "Just War in an Age of Terror? Issues and Options in Theological Ethics." Philosophia Christi 16/1 (2016): 101-109 This article was published as one of several essays by Christian scholars debating the place of just war versus pacifism in an age of terror. Posted by permission of Philosophia Christi. PDF
- "Is It Ever Permissible To Deceive? (Or, Is It Okay To Lie to Nazis?)" Link
- "Why Are Christians Divided by Denominations?" Link
- "Prove to Me That God Exists: Getting Clear on Atheism, Agnosticism, and a Few Other Matters," in the Winter 2015 issue of The City (a publication of Houston Baptist University). Other leading scholars have contributed to this special issue on Atheism PDF
- Posted by permission. This article originally appeared on (2015) as a series entitled "R-Rated," Link which contains "sermons and skills articles" which are resources for Christian pastors and teachers: PDF
- "Paul Copan on winning hearts, not arguments" Q&A | A Christian philosophy professor talks about the real purpose of apologetics, by Warren Cole Smith Link
- "On Biblical Ethics: An Interview with Paul Copan." Evangelical Philosophical Society
- "Paul Copan on winning hearts, not arguments" A Christian philosophy professor talks about the real purpose of apologetics, by Warren Cole Smith WORLD News Group
- Did God Really Command Genocide?: An Interview with Drs. Paul Copan and Matthew Flannagan Jonathan Petersen & Paul Copan, January 2015 Link
- "My Genes Made Me Do It': Is Ethics Based on Biological Evolution?" (pages 24-27), Fall 2014 PDF
- "Is Ethics Just Doing What I Want? An Assessment of Egoism" Published by Enrichment Journal
- "The Greatest Good for the Greatest Number? Assessing Utilitarianism" Published by Enrichment Journal
- "'It’s All Relative' and Other Such Absolute Statements: Assessing Relativism" Published by Enrichment Journal (Winter 2014): 24-29
- "Did New Testament Writers Misquote the Old Testament?" Published by Enrichment Journal (Winter 2014): 24-29
- "If God's Creation Was 'Very Good,' How Could Evil Arise?" Published by Enrichment Journal (Winter 2014): 24-29
- Paul Copan, "Grounding Human Rights: Naturalism’s Failure and Biblical Theism's Success." Taken from Angus J.L. Menuge, ed., Legitimizing Human Rights: Secular and Religious Perspectives. Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2013. PDF
- Paul Copan, "Ethics Needs God." Taken from Debating Christian Theism. Edited by J.P. Moreland, Chad V. Meister, and Khaldoun Sweis. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013. PDF
- "Is It Wrong To Believe Without Evidence?" Published by Enrichment Journal
- "Atheism and the Burden of Proof" Published by Enrichment Journal
- "Did the New Testament Writers Misquote the Old Testament?" Published by Enrichment Journal
- "Is the God of the Old Testament Evil?" Link
- "If God Mad the Universe, Who Made God?" Link
- "Is Religious Belief Just a Brain Function?" Link
- "A Roundtable Discussion with Michael Licona on the Resurrection of Jesus," Southeastern Theological Review 3/1 (2012). Posted by permission. Link
- "Is God Just a Psychological Crutch for the Weak?" Link
- "Evil and Justice" – a talk given at Boston College Law School (March 19, 2012)? Link
- "If God Made the Universe, Who Made God?" Link
- "Questioning Presuppositionalism" Link
- "Is Naturalism a Simpler Explanation Than Theism?" Link
- "Does the Old Testament Endorse Slavery?" Overview Link
- "Does the Old Testament Endorse Slavery? The Difficult Texts" Link
- "Why Is the New Testament Silent on Slavery — or Is It?" Link
- "Does the Old Testament Endorse Slavery (Part 2)?" Link
- "Does the Old Testament Endorse Slavery?" Link
- "What the Bible Doesn't Say About Sex" Link
- "Who Are You To Impose Your Morality on Others?" Link
- "How Could God Command the Killing of the Canaanites?"Enrichment Journal (Fall 2010): 138-43. Link
- "If You Cannot Scientifically Prove Your Belief, Is It Meaningless?" Enrichment Journal (Spring 2010). Link
- "The Christian and Homosexuality" Audio
- "Are Old Testament Laws Evil?" from God Is Great, God Is Good: Why Believing in God Is Reasonable and Responsible, eds. William Lane Craig and Chad V. Meister. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2009. Posted by permission. PDF
- "Is God Arrogant and Egotistical?" Chapel message at Columbia International University, Columbia, SC, April 2009 Audio
- "Yahweh Wars and the Canaanites: Divinely-Mandated Genocide or Corporate Capital Punishment?" Link
- "Is the Trinity a Logical Blunder? God as Three and One."Published in Paul Copan and William Lane Craig, eds., Contending with Christianity’s Critics: Answering the New Atheists and Other Objectors. Nashville: B&H Academic, 2009. Posted by permission. PDF
- "Did God Become a Jew? A Defense of the Incarnation."Published in Paul Copan and William Lane Craig, eds., Contending with Christianity’s Critics: Answering the New Atheists and Other Objectors. Nashville: B&H Academic, 2009. Posted by permission. PDF
- "Hateful Vindictive Psalms? Interpreting the Imprecatory Psalms" Link
- "Does Religion Originate in the Brain?" Link
- "Following a Unique Christ in a Pluralistic Society" (pages 40-52) PDF
- "What's Wrong With Gay Marriage?"Chapter 10 of Paul Copan's new book When God Goes to Starbucks: A Guide to Everyday Apologetics. Posted by permission of Baker Books, copyright © 2008. Link
- "How Do You Know You're Not Wrong?" A Response to Skepticism. This essay was published in the Oct.-Dec. 2008 issue of Engage Journal (India). PDF
- "Following a Unique Christ in a Pluralistic Society" Link
- "God—The Best Explanation" taken from Loving Wisdom: Christian Philosophy of Religion PDF
- "Comments and Questions on Evil and the Justice of God" A Friendly Response to N. T. Wright Permission has been granted by the editorial office of Philosophia Christi to post this contribution. Subscribe to Philosophia Christi PDF
- "Rediscovering Apologetics" Link
- "God, Naturalism, and the Foundations of Morality," in The Future of Atheism: Alister McGrath and Daniel Dennett in Dialogue, ed. Robert Stewart. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2008. Posted with permission from Fortress Press. PDF
- Why Science Can’t Explain Morality a book review of The Science of Good and Evil: Why People Cheat, Gossip, Care, Share, and Follow the Golden Rule, by Michael Shermer. Link
- "Is Yahweh a Moral Monster? The New Atheists and Old Testament Ethics" Philosophia Christ New Series 10 (2008): 7-27. Posted with permission from Philosophia Christi. Link
- "Apologist: Objective moral values evidence of God's existence" an interview by Marilyn Stewart. Link
- "Divine Narcissism? A Further Defense of God’s Humility" Published in Philosophia Christi New Series 8 (January 2006): 313-325. Posted by permission. PDF
- "The Necessity of God: A Book Review of The Impossibility of God" PDF
- "Hume and the Moral Argument." In Defense of Natural Theology: A Post-Humean Assessment, eds. James F. Sennett and Douglas Groothuis. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2005. Link
- "Creation ex Nihilo or ex Materia?" A Critique of the Mormon Doctrine of Creation by Paul Copan Published in The Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 9/2 (Summer 2005): 32-54. Posted with permission. PDF
- "That's True for You, But Not for Me"" A Brief Response to Relativism. Link
- "You Christians Are So Narrow-minded!" A Brief Response to the Charge of Intolerance. Web Link
- "If You Were Born in India, You Would Be a Hindu" A Brief Response to Religious Pluralism. Link
- "God Can't Possibly Exist Given the Evil and Pain I See in the World!" A Brief Response to the Problem of Evil. Link
- Postmodernism: "What Is Postmodernism?" Link
- "What Is Wrong (and Right) With Postmodernism?" Link
- "The Moral Argument for God's Existence" Link
- "The Days of Genesis: An Old-Earth View" Paul Copan (Written in dialogue with Dr. John MacArthur, who takes the young-earth view) Areopagus Journal 5/2 (March-April 2005): 15, 17, 19. Posted with permission from Areopagus Journal. PDF
- "Morality and Meaning Without God: Another Failed Attempt" A Review Essay on Atheism, Morality, and Meaning Published in Philosophia Christi New Series 6/2 (2004): 295-304. Posted by permission. PDF
- "Christophobia: Confronting the Problem of Religious Discrimination on CampusPDF
- "Original Sin and Christian Philosophy" Published in Philosophia Christi, Series 2, 5/2 (2003): 519-41 Posted by permission. PDF
- "Whose Land?" Having coedited Who Was Jesus? A Jewish Christian Dialogue, I was asked to contribute to the discussion on the conflict in the Middle East in the *Baptist Standard*. I offer the perspective that the Jewish-Gentile Christian church in Jesus Christ is the new Israel, the people of God. As I weigh Scripture, I myself do not see a political future for national Israel; rather, any theologically significant future for individual ethnic Jews is bound up with their incorporation into the church. Link
- "Who Are You to Judge Others?" In Defense of Making Moral Judgments PDF
- "St. Augustine and the Scandal of the North African Catholic Mind" PDF
- "The Presumptuousness of Atheism" PDF
- "Can Michael Martin Be A Moral Realist?: Sic et Non," Philosophia Christi, Series 2, 1/2 (1999): 45-72. Posted by Permission. PDF
- "Jesus, Religions, and Just War" CDC Panel Discussion PDF
- "Jesus' Followers Fabricated the Stories and Sayings of Jesus" PDF
- "Jonathan Edwards' Philosophical Influences: Lockean Or Malebranchean?" PDF
- "Is Creatio ex nihilo a Post-Biblical Invention? An Examination Of Gerhard May’s Proposal" Trinity Journal 17.1 (Spring 1996): 77-93. Link, PDF